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Hinman Code of Conduct



As a professional organization, The Hinman Dental Society of Atlanta, Inc. (the “Society”) insists upon maintaining an atmosphere of decorum, courteousness, and professionalism. The Society is dedicated to providing a safe, harassment-free, and inclusive experience for all participants at all Society-organized events and has a zero-tolerance policy for harassment of participants in any form. Participants include but are not limited to Society employees, members, attendees, guests, staff, speakers, sponsors, exhibitors, Advisory Committee members, and Executive Council members. A Society-organized event includes business at the Society office as well as The Thomas P. Hinman Dental Meeting and official social events and receptions, membership meetings, board meetings, committee meetings, and any other in-person, online/virtual, or telephonic event for which attendees are asked to RSVP or register through the Society, and platforms and communications ancillary thereto (for example, social media posts and chat features during virtual presentations).  The Society reserves the right to delete any participant comment on its social media or event chat features that it deems violative of the Code of Conduct, in its sole discretion.  The Society shall have no liability whatsoever arising out of its interpretation and enforcement of the Code of Conduct.


Decorum, courteousness, and professionalism.  Each participant of a Society-organized event shall behave with consideration and respect for other participants.  A participant’s contributions to written or oral discussions shall be collaborative rather than combative and shall not contain advertising matter, commercial promotion, solicitation, or sales of any type except as otherwise permitted by the Society.  No participant shall photograph, copy, or screenshot any portion of any event other than for the participant’s personal educational use.


Harassing behavior or speech.  Participants shall refrain from engaging in harassing behavior or speech in any form.  Harassment includes but is not limited to offensive comments or gestures related to gender, gender identity, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race, ethnicity, or religion.  Harassment also includes but is not limited to intimidation, bullying, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sexual images in public spaces, inappropriate or distracting attire, sustained disruption of presentation or other event, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.  Harassment can occur in real or virtual space, including social media related to a Society-organized event.


If you observe or experience harassing behavior that you believe is in violation of the Code of Conduct, please report the incident immediately to the Hinman office at (404) 231-1663 and ask to speak to either the President or the Executive Director regarding an incident of harassment. The Society will take every complaint seriously and investigate each complaint promptly, thoroughly, and impartially. All complaints will be handled as confidentially as possible. The Society reserves the right to determine, in its sole discretion, whether any behavior at any Society-organized event is unacceptable and in violation of this Code of Conduct. In the event that it is determined that an individual has violated this Code of Conduct or has otherwise engaged in conduct that is deemed to be improper, prejudicial, or detrimental, the Society reserves the right to discipline such individual, including but not limited to (1) removing any such individual from the event or meeting with no refund of any fees paid, (2) barring any individual from attending future Society events or meetings, and/or (3) suspending any such individual’s Society membership or terminating any such individual’s Society membership with no refund of any dues paid.



The health and safety of all Hinman attendees remains of paramount importance to Hinman as we move beyond the COVID-19 pandemic.  Hinman expects its attendees to act responsibly and use good judgment to help minimize the risk of illness that is inherent with any large gathering like a Hinman meeting. 


The Hinman Dental Society of Atlanta  • 33 Lenox Pointe NE, Atlanta, GA 30324-3172  • Tel: (404) 231-1663  • Copyright © 1996-2025 Hinman Dental Society of Atlanta