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2025 Speakers
Ms. Karen Davis Health & Wellness, Dental Hygiene Richardson, TX

  • Recognized as a Top Clinician in Continuing Education by Dentistry Today
  • 2023 Recipient of the Gordon J. Christensen Speaker Recognition Award
  • Practicing RDH in Dallas, TX

Thursday Courses
Th6009 - Healthful Living Inside a Stressed-Out, Anxious World
Time: 9 - 11 AM
Type: Lectures    Handouts: No
Dentist Fee: $105.00  Other Fee: $75.00

Evidence reveals healthful living in a stressed-out world can substantially improve quality of life and life span. Discover how Lifestyle Medicine plays into healthful living to prevent and manage chronic diseases and influence mood disorders. Walk away with strategies you and your patients can implement immediately to de-stress and live abundantly. Participants will be able to recognize the impact anxiety, depression and chronic stressors have on wellness and identify strategies to immediately improve health inside and outside the oral cavity.

Th6028 - Making Lemonade and Other Strategies to Navigate Life's Challenges
Time: 12:30 - 2:30 PM
Type: Lectures    Handouts: No
Dentist Fee: $105.00  Other Fee: $75.00

Life, and dentistry itself, are a tapestry of rewards and challenges. How do we wear our professional hat while simultaneously grieving or enduring unexpected challenges?  What can be gleaned from those in the business of not only making lemonade from the lemons of life but benefitting from it? This evidence-based "lemonade recipe" may surprise you. Participants will be able to examine science supporting a unique recipe for "lemonade-making" and appraise how savoring, mindfulness and gratefulness can shift perspectives during adversity.

Friday Courses
Fr6061 - Invisible Pain: Realities Within the World of Autoimmune Diseases
Time: 9 - 11:30 AM
Type: Lectures    Handouts: No
Dentist Fee: $105.00  Other Fee: $75.00

Looking good on the outside can be deceptive when living with chronic pain on the inside. Within the world of autoimmune diseases patients may present with varying degrees of pain, fatigue and altered lifestyles. Increased risk of periodontal diseases and dental caries are common hallmarks of many autoimmune conditions fueled by chronic inflammation. We will evaluate risk factors for autoimmune diseases, the implications of immune-suppressing medications, and methods to reduce oral complications.

The Hinman Dental Society of Atlanta  • 33 Lenox Pointe NE, Atlanta, GA 30324-3172  • Tel: (404) 231-1663  • Copyright © 1996-2025 Hinman Dental Society of Atlanta