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2025 Speakers
Mrs. Connie Kugel Dental Hygiene Materials Lincoln, NE

  • Continuing Education Director, UNMC College of Dentistry
  • Clinical Instructor, Periodontics, UNMC College of Dentistry
  • Private Practice

Thursday Courses
Th6015 - What's the Buzz About Bioactive?
Time: 9:30 - 11:30 AM
Type: Lectures    Handouts: Yes
Dentist Fee: $105.00  Other Fee: $75.00

As a dental hygienist, are you incorporating bioactive products into your patient care?  We will compare bioactivity, biomimetics and new materials that work with these principles and discuss the background of bioactivity, where it comes from and how the science has progressed as well as dental materials that can help patients attain better oral health. Preventive and restorative bioactive materials will be included in this program with an emphasis on preventive materials and techniques you can use in your practice.

Th5010 - Not Your Average Dental Sealant
Time: 12:30 - 3:30 PM
Type: Workshops    Handouts: Yes
Dentist Fee: $195.00  Other Fee: $195.00

Dental sealants have long been proven to be a safe, effective and cost-effective preventive technique to help patients avoid occlusal decay in posterior teeth....yet they continue to be under-utilized in practice. Let's simplify the process so we can increase dental sealant prevention. Compare the different dental sealant material categories as well as the pros and cons of each. In this hands-on workshop, attendees will practice with three different sealant categories so you can be confident placing all dental sealants for your patients as needed.

Friday Courses
Fr6048 - Hygiene All-Day Track
Time: 8 AM - 4 PM
Type: Lectures    Handouts: Speaker bringing
Dentist Fee: $185.00  Other Fee: $115.00
AGD Code: 550

Ms. Shannon Nanne | 8 – 9:30 a.m. | Become a Hero of Dentistry and Solve the Dry Mouth Mystery!

Xerostomia is not a disease; however, it is a serious condition that is annoying, uncomfortable and caused by a disease or underlying condition. Xerostomia affects quality of life while speaking, eating or trying to sleep. Hypo-salivation can damage hard and soft tissues of the mouth while presenting a clinical challenge in the operatory. Twenty five percent of your patients suffer from this terrible affliction. Let's evaluate treatment options and provide products that work!


Ms. Amber Auger | 9:30 – 11 a.m. | Effective and Profitable Collaborative Care: Leveraging Communication between Hygienists and Dentists

Dental hygienists hold the key to your practice's success, with nearly 80% of the practice revenue coming from their chairs. This program aims to develop a foundation for exceptional leadership skills to create a true partnership with the dental hygienist. This program will encourage a unique method of partnership to transform employees into practice stakeholders.


Ms. Stephanie Botts | 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. | Perfect Posture Mechanics

Dental professionals are at high risk for unique musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) due to repetitive movements, poor positioning, and static postures. Explore how proper ergonomics can enhance productivity, reduce pain, and extend your career. Learn techniques, stretches, positioning, and equipment choices that enable pain-free practice and improve overall work satisfaction!


Lunch is on your own from 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. 


Mrs. Connie Kugel | 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. | Ultimate Tooth Whitening

Tooth whitening is easy, rewarding and profitable. Dental hygienists and assistants may not think they need a whitening refresher course, but do you know how to answer these common patient questions: How long does it last? Can it hurt my teeth? What about sensitivity? And your own questions: How does tooth whitening work? Should I offer chairside or take-home materials? Are they worth it? Do the over-the-counter whitening products work? How does “whitening toothpaste” work? Let’s assess the pros and cons of tooth whitening!


Dr. Ashleigh Briody | 2:30 – 4 p.m. | Interesting Clinical Cases 

This program will take you on a tour of interesting cases seen in a busy pathology practice. We will discuss how the diagnosis is rendered as well as management.

Fr5030 - Not Your Average Dental Sealant
Time: 9 AM - 12 PM
Type: Workshops    Handouts: Yes
Dentist Fee: $195.00  Other Fee: $195.00

Dental sealants have long been proven to be a safe, effective and cost-effective preventive technique to help patients avoid occlusal decay in posterior teeth....yet they continue to be under-utilized in practice. Let's simplify the process so we can increase dental sealant prevention. Compare the different dental sealant material categories as well as the pros and cons of each. In this hands-on workshop, attendees will practice with three different sealant categories so you can be confident placing all dental sealants for your patients as needed.

Saturday Courses
Sa7034 - Care & Maintenance of Esthetic Dental Materials - Don't Damage a Restored Smile
Time: 10 AM - 12 PM
Type: Lectures    Handouts: Yes
Dentist Fee: $0.00  Other Fee: $0.00

Esthetic dental restorative materials are utilized every day in dental practice. To help maintain these materials and avoid potentially damaging them, dental hygienists and assistants need to understand the materials and how to safely and effectively care for them. Compare esthetic dental materials and develop strategies for proper maintenance. Assess direct and indirect restorative materials, whitening, and appropriate compatible preventive materials for post-treatment care. Create post-treatment instructions and patient home care to help your patients to keep their new restorations looking great!

The Hinman Dental Society of Atlanta  • 33 Lenox Pointe NE, Atlanta, GA 30324-3172  • Tel: (404) 231-1663  • Copyright © 1996-2025 Hinman Dental Society of Atlanta