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2025 Speakers
Dr. Alan Atlas Esthetic & Restorative Dentistry Philadelphia, PA

  • Private practice: esthetic and comprehensive restorative dentistry 
  • Clinical Professor, The University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Department of Endodontics and Department of Preventive/Restorative Sciences
  • Director, Endodontic - Restorative Microscopy and Technology Clinic at The University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine

Thursday Courses
Th6020 - Precision Esthetic Dentistry: Harnessing AI, Enhanced Magnification, and Evidence-Based Protocols from Diagnosis to Cementation
Time: 10 AM - 1 PM
Type: Lectures    Handouts: No
Dentist Fee: $105.00  Other Fee: $75.00

Digital technologies have made a transformative impact on ceramic-based restorations. Learn concise treatment planning guidelines and techniques to achieve esthetic and functional success at each step of the CAD/CAM workflow. Grounded in the latest scientific evidence, the course will discuss step-by-step clinical protocols, from preparation to cementation, for ceramic crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays, and veneers uniquely captured and demonstrated  through dental microscope HD video. Attendees will walk into their offices on Monday morning with renewed confidence!

Friday Courses
Fr6067 - Stop the Failures! Restore Endodontically-Treated Teeth Successfully
Time: 9:30 AM - 12 PM
Type: Lectures    Handouts: No
Dentist Fee: $105.00  Other Fee: $75.00

Scientific evidence suggests that inadequate coronal restoration is a leading cause of failure in endodontically treated teeth. This course will review current treatment protocols commonly used in private practice and offer recommendations for workflow modifications to improve restorative outcomes. Step-by-step protocols featuring a novel post and core system, along with essential tooth preparation techniques, will be demonstrated through HD video captured with a dental microscope. Additionally, innovative treatment planning workflows that seamlessly connect endodontic and restorative treatments will be presented.


Fr6089 - Success Unveiled: Stress-free Efficiency and Proficiency in the Posterior Composite Workflow
Time: 1:30 - 4:30 PM
Type: Lectures    Handouts: No
Dentist Fee: $105.00  Other Fee: $75.00

The Class II posterior composite restoration is widely recognized as challenging and stressful to perform. In this workshop, participants will receive a comprehensive scientific update on adhesives and materials, aimed at enhancing expertise and productivity. Procedures will be demonstrated through HD video captured with a dental microscope, providing a clear understanding of step-by-step protocols - from preparation to a novel and efficient filling technique. Employ this new workflow for more precise margins, consistent contacts, and reduced sensitivity for Class I, II, and V restorations.

Saturday Courses
Sa5046 - Do it Faster and Better! The Ultimate Class II Posterior Composite Workflow Workshop
Time: 9 AM - 12 PM
Type: Workshops    Handouts: No
Dentist Fee: $395.00  Other Fee: $395.00

Technique errors, incorrect material selection, and poor patient compliance accelerate the failure of posterior composites. This workshop is designed to help attendees enhance their confidence, expertise, and productivity. We’ll discuss step-by-step, innovative protocols for preparation, placement, and finishing to achieve precise margins, consistent contacts, and eliminate sensitivity. All demonstrations will be conducted under high magnification using a dental microscope. Attendees will leave equipped to implement efficient, evidence-based techniques for successful Class I, II, and Class V restorations on Monday morning.

The Hinman Dental Society of Atlanta  • 33 Lenox Pointe NE, Atlanta, GA 30324-3172  • Tel: (404) 231-1663  • Copyright © 1996-2025 Hinman Dental Society of Atlanta