Vr611 - Utilizing 3D Printing and Other Digital Integration in General Dentistry
Type: Online   Handouts: No
In-Person Attendee Fee: $35.00  Other Fee: $50.00
Audience: Dentists
Digital Dentistry
AGD Code: 010

The opportunities for 3D printing and scanning and integration of digital technologies into dental office systems is expanding at an alarming rate. This course will discuss the practical ways to incorporate this technology into the general dental office and the tremendous potential that it has for Return on Investment (ROI). Topics will include 3D printed study models, surgical guides, in-office aligners and occlusal guards. Particular emphasis will be placed on the workflow that team members can support.


Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the current printing technology and choose the best option for your practice
  • Explore opportunities for 3D printing in general dentistry
  • Create a printing workflow that has a strong ROI
  • Utilize the skills of your team to perform digital tasks

Technology Recommendations

When viewing a live or pre-recorded course, we suggest the following:

Close all other applications and programs on your device
Consider limiting the streaming on other devices in your viewing location
Optimal viewing is on a computer or tablet
A minimum 5MB connection is recommendation, but please note that a 15-20MB connection is optimal
The best way to prevent or stop buffering when streaming is to reduce anything that impedes the stream.


Date Available: January 27, 2023

Date Reviewed: March 1, 2023

Date Removed: May 31, 2023