Speaker Information

Dr. Brian Novy
Salem , MA
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  • 2024 Yankee Dental Congress Clinician of the Year
  • President, National CAMBRA Coalition
  • Private Practice, Salem, Massachusetts

Th7006 - Oral Fluid Fantasyland
Date/Time: 3/20/2025   9 - 11:30 a.m.
Type: Lectures   Handouts: Yes
Dentist Fee: $0.00  Other Fee: $0.00
Audience: Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Office Staff, Spouses, Students
Dental Materials and Techniques
Oral Systemic Health

Do you give much thought to the importance of saliva in prevention of oral disease and even overall comfort for your patients? Learn how to decrease your patient's disease risk and improve their prognosis for restorative care by collecting and assessing salivary data. Find joy in providing care to patients who present with impaired salivary function.