Speaker Information

Mr. Charles Loretto
Frisco, TX
Financial Services
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  • Partner and Investment Advisor, Cain Watters and Associates
  • Founder, National Dental Placements (NDP)

Th6040 - Accumulating Wealth in Your Practice: Financial Decisions to Take You There
Date/Time: 3/21/2024   1 - 3 p.m.
Type: Lectures   Handouts: Speaker bringing
Dentist Fee: $95.00  Other Fee: $65.00
Audience: Dentists, Students
Practice Management
Practice Transitions
AGD Code: 550

This course offers an opportunity to flip today’s uncertainty into a roadmap for future financial security. Attendees will learn proven formulas behind building wealth, improving cash flow, getting ahead on retirement planning, bringing in associates or partners, plus the benefits of various savings environments. We will identify the decisions dentists face in early practice ownership as well as tax strategies to improve cash flow and support market volatility. Attendees will walk away with the tools to develop a financial plan to help meet their long-term goals.