Speaker Information

Dr. Sam Kratchman
Exton, PA
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  • Private Practice
  • Associate Professor Endodontics University of Pennsylvania
  • Assistant Director Graduate Endodontics in charge of Microsurgery, University Pennsylvania

Th6003 - Anatomically-Driven Endodontics: New Technologies & Complex Cases
Date/Time: 3/20/2025   8 - 11 a.m.
Type: Lectures   Handouts: No
Dentist Fee: $105.00  Other Fee: $75.00
Audience: Dentists, Students

Learn the latest technologies and techniques for performing superior endodontics! We will discuss conservative endodontic access, the biologic requirements for endodontic success, and navigating canal morphology with super elastic and flexible XP instrumentation. Learn the latest irrigation protocol, optimal sealing with bioceramic sealers, single cone gutta percha obturation, and the proper use of 3D shapers and finishers.  We will assess how to diagnose and treat complex cases, navigate complex anatomy, and trouble shooting.