Th6002 - Up in Smoke: Smoking, Vaping, and Cannabis and their Effects on Oral Health
Date/Time: 3/21/2024   8 - 10 a.m.
Type: Lectures   Handouts: Yes
Dentist Fee: $95.00  Other Fee: $65.00
Audience: Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students
Diagnosis/Treatment Planning for Success
Oral Systemic Health
AGD Code: 490

While cigarette use has been on the decline, both e-cigarette and cannabis use are on the rise. This course will arm the dental healthcare professional with information about the impacts of nicotine, vaping products, and cannabis use on oral health and provide practical solutions when treating patients who report smoking, vaping, and/or cannabis use. The dental team can be an integral part of nicotine and cannabis cessation and help patients prevent their oral health from going up in smoke!