Th5009 - Culture – How Do Your Patients Feel When They Leave Your Office?
Date/Time: 3/21/2024   10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Type: Workshops   Handouts: No
Dentist Fee: $125.00  Other Fee: $125.00
Audience: Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Office Staff, Lab techs, Spouses, Students
Health and Wellness/Nutrition
Practice Management
Practice Transitions
AGD Code: 550

Does completing the phrase “A Receptionist, a Patient and a Delivery Person Meet in Your Lobby… “ end in a lame joke? This dynamic session will be interactive, entertaining, fun, thought-provoking and applicable. You’ll leave with tools that you can use immediately for creating culture: create a sustainable psychologically safe (and Fun!) workplace, cultivate an office that enables others to feel comfortable with collaborative decision making, and design strategies for developing culture through “Build-in” (versus “Buy-in”).