Sa6102 - Red, White, Brown, Blue, and Ulcerative Lesions of the Oral Cavity. What Are They?
Date/Time: 3/23/2024   8 - 11 a.m.
Type: Lectures   Handouts: Yes
Dentist Fee: $95.00  Other Fee: $65.00
Audience: Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students
Oral Pathology
AGD Code: 730

This course is designed to guide the health care provider through the differential diagnosis, treatment, and management of commonly encountered oral soft tissue growths and ulcers. The lecture will highlight various therapeutic treatment options for candidiasis, infections, and lichenoid lesions with emphasis on the importance of biopsy to develop a definitive diagnosis. The presentation with discuss how to develop proficiency in identifying oral precancerous lesions. Diagnosis and treatment options for Burning Mouth/Tongue Syndrome will be discussed.