Audience: Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Office Staff, Lab techs, Spouses, Students
Join us for an engaging course on mastering social media! Learn how to build a compelling social media presence, leverage algorithms, develop posting strategies, boost ads, and create engaging content. Discover insights for maximizing reach, establishing a strong brand, and driving patient growth. Bonus: Posts, reels & stories ideas included!
Technology Recommendations
When viewing a pre-recorded course, we suggest the following:
Close all other applications and programs on your device.
Consider limiting the streaming on other devices in your viewing location.
Optimal viewing is on a computer or tablet.
A minimum 5MB connection is recommended, but please note that a 15-20MB connection is optimal.
The best way to prevent or stop buffering when streaming is to reduce anything that impedes the stream.
Date Available: 11/1/24
Date Reviewed: 3/1/25
Date Removed: 10/31/25