Fr7016 - Women's Health: From Hormones to Heart Disease
Date/Time: 3/22/2024   8 - 11 a.m.
Type: Lectures   Handouts: Yes
Dentist Fee: $0.00  Other Fee: $0.00
Audience: Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Office Staff, Lab techs, Spouses, Students
Health and Wellness/Nutrition
Oral Systemic Health
AGD Code: 150

As women search for ways to optimize their health, they must sift through an enormous amount of recommendations advertised in both conventional and complementary medicine. What is your personal health IQ? Do you know ways to reduce your risk of heart disease, breast cancer, and osteoporosis? Are natural hormones safe? Should you get hormone replacement? Join Dr. Tieraona Low Dog for this highly informative session and explore strategies for optimizing health in women across the lifespan.