Fr6084 - Clinical Consideration for Implant & Restorative Success
Date/Time: 3/22/2024   1:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Type: Lectures   Handouts: No
Dentist Fee: $95.00  Other Fee: $65.00
Audience: Dentists, Assistants, Lab techs, Students
Restorative Dentistry
AGD Code: 690

The success of a partially edentulous restoration starts with careful diagnosis using an interdisciplinary approach. In this course we will discuss keys to predictably deliver functional, aesthetic, long-term results for the patient. Learning objectives include choosing tooth replacement treatment options such as fixed bridge or implant supported, techniques to manage the soft tissue shape around both pontics and implant support restorations and sequencing definitive treatment for single and multiple unit implant retained cases.