Speaker Information

Dr. Mark Hyman
Greensboro, NC
Practice Management, Cosmetic Dentistry, Practice Transition
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  • Private practice for 32 years
  • Adjunct Full Professor, University of North Carolina Adams School of Dentistry, Chapel Hill, NC
  • "Top Leader" in Dental Continuing Education by Dentistry Today Magazine since 2001

Fr6048 - Assisting Essentials All-Day Track
Date/Time: 3/22/2024   8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Type: Lectures   Handouts: Yes
Dentist Fee: $180.00  Other Fee: $110.00
Audience: Assistants
Dental Assisting
AGD Code: 550

Dr. Mark Hyman | 8 – 9 a.m.| A Day in The Life of a Top Gun Dental Team

Listen, learn, and laugh your way through a fast-paced, humorous review of "The High Impact Private Practice Dental Assistant." Learn how to capitalize on other skills to improve the productivity of your practice and the quality of the service your team provides. Learn systems you can implement today to lower stress, prevent burn out, and increase your enjoyment of dentistry. 


Ms. Carrie Webber | 9 - 10 a.m. | The Dental Team's Guide to Successful Patient Conversations
Throughout a patient’s experience in your practice there are pivotal touchpoints where conversations can either build a patient’s perception of value in the treatment or diminish it. Learn impactful ways that each member of the team can strengthen their skills.

Ms. Amanda Hill | 10 – 11 a.m. | Disinfection Dash: Mastering Operatory Turnover

Welcome to Disinfection Dash, where we transform operatory clean-up into an adrenaline-pumping challenge! In this fast-paced and witty course, we'll uncover the sneaky spots commonly missed during treatment room disinfection and equip you with effective techniques to ensure every patient and clinician enjoys a safe and hygienic experience.


Lunch is on your own from 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Dr. Howard Glazer | 12:30 - 2 p.m. | Forensic Odontology: TV v/s Reality
The objective of this presentation is to familiarize the audience with the history of forensic odontology from the early days of Rome to the development of modern-day science. The need, role, and responsibility of the forensic odontologist in both civil and criminal matters will be discussed along with demonstrative cases, including but not limited to the identification of unknown remains, interpretation of bite marks, to rendering an opinion in issues of negligence, matters of fraud, and child abuse.



Mr. Kevin Henry | 2 - 3:30 p.m. | Why Dental Assistants are More Important than Ever in 2024
With all the changes going on in our society, including how patients gather their information and mold their perceptions about dentistry, dental assistants have a more important role in patient communication and practice success than ever before. So why are so many feeling underappreciated? We'll discuss that and reveal exactly why dental assistants comprise the backbone of the dental practice in 2024 and beyond.