Ms. Shannon Brinker Dental Assisting Virginia Beach, VA

  • Owner of Chairsideassisting with Shannon Pace Brinker
  • Owner of Teeth Obsessed and The Whitening Shop
  • Editorial Board for Dental Product Reports

Thursday Courses
Provisionals Made Easy
Time: 9 AM - 12 PM
Room: ,
Type: Workshops    Handouts: No
Dentist Fee: $0.00  Other Fee: $0.00
AGD Code: 250

Provisional restorations provide an optimal situation for patients and clinicians in developing permanent restorations. They serve as a vital diagnostic and assessment tool to evaluate function, color, shape, contour, occlusion, and overall esthetics.  This course is designed to teach current materials, techniques, and concepts in fabricating and maintaining functional provisionals.

Learning Objectives:

·      Understand how provisional restorations have become a vital diagnostic and assessment tool to evaluate function, color, shape, contour, occlusion, periodontal response, implant healing, and overall esthetics.

·      Learn how to fabricate direct and indirect Provisionals to provide accurate fit and margination that is essential to ensuring and maintaining pulpal health.


·      Choose cementation techniques for partial and full coverage provisionals

·      Create a better alternative to a “flipper” using a clear retainer and composite technique

Provisionals Made Easy
Time: 1 - 4 PM
Room: ,
Type: Workshops    Handouts: No
Dentist Fee: $0.00  Other Fee: $0.00
AGD Code: 250

Provisional restorations provide an optimal situation for patients and clinicians in developing permanent restorations. They serve as a vital diagnostic and assessment tool to evaluate function, color, shape, contour, occlusion, and overall esthetics.  This course is designed to teach current materials, techniques, and concepts in fabricating and maintaining functional provisionals.

Learning Objectives:

·      Understand how provisional restorations have become a vital diagnostic and assessment tool to evaluate function, color, shape, contour, occlusion, periodontal response, implant healing, and overall esthetics.

·      Learn how to fabricate direct and indirect Provisionals to provide accurate fit and margination that is essential to ensuring and maintaining pulpal health.


·      Choose cementation techniques for partial and full coverage provisionals

·      Create a better alternative to a “flipper” using a clear retainer and composite technique

Friday Courses
Performing Procedures at the Chair: Perfecting My Chairside Skills
Time: 12 - 3 PM
Room: ,
Type: Lectures    Handouts: No
Dentist Fee: $0.00  Other Fee: $0.00