Speaker Information

Dr. Wayne Kerr
Stockbridge, GA
Management, Life Skills & Inspiration
Register Now!

  • Owner, kerrspeak.com
  • Retired from 38 years of fee-for-service private practice
  • Author, "Ten Tips to the Top! a primer for practice success" and five books on life skills

Sa560 - Stuff Worth Knowin' About Money, Practice, and Life
Date/Time: 3/14/2020   1 - 2 p.m.
Type: Seminar   Handouts: Yes
Dentist Fee: $0.00  Other Fee: $0.00
Audience: Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Office Staff, Lab techs, Spouses, Students
Dental Materials and Techniques
Health and Wellness/Nutrition
Practice Management

In this fast-paced, information-packed presentation, learn how to build wealth and
minimize the risk of identity theft. Review top clinical products and time-saving
tips and techniques to improve practice efficiency and success. Identify critically
important information needed to protect your loved ones and consider eight keys
to live life more fully. In just one hour, this program is a real “game-changer” and
not to be missed!